
The first level of learning starts from the kindergarten section where classes commence for the age group of 2 ½ to 5 years. Pre-Nursery, LKG and UKG are the three steps the child climbs up to enter the primary school. Here children are taught to recognise, identify, team-up, speak, start writing, colour, stick, feel, taste and many more varied activities. The methods used are Montessori as well as Kindergarten methodology of teaching.

The Second level of learning starts with Primary schooling where the age group is slated from 5 and 1/2 to 10 years. At this level, children are introduced to proper subjects like Hindi / Kannada, English, Mathematics, Environmental Science. Students also learn work - experience (art & craft), Value Education, General Knowledge, Physical Education and Computers as graded subjects.

The Third level of fun learning starts from the age group of 11 to 13 years, termed as Middle School, where the curriculum broadens to help children to grasp abstract ideas and become more innovative. They are given more projects to learn the subjects better and comprehend the concepts to use in their daily lives. They are also introduced to a 3rd language with an option of Sanskrit / Kannada / Hindi.

The Fourth level of learning comprises of students in the age group of 14 to 16 years, termed as High School, where children are prepared for the board level examination. They are trained by being exposed to experiments in labs, viva, projects etc.; so that they are well organised and prepared before they appear for their board exams. They are also rightfully counselled to select their stream of choice, at their graduation level.

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