Up Deva Matha Central School | Bangalore | Events gallery

Graduation Day-11

Teachers Day Celebrations
5th September, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic and following lockdown brought about a major change in the working of education system. DMCS celebrated Teachers Day programme on 5th September, 2020- on a virtual platform.
A well organized programme by the students was featured online, which was lovingly acknowledged by the teachers. The teachers were highly motivated by the extraordinary speech from Our Honourable Chairman- Dr. Joseph V.G., with each carrying beautiful memories of the same

Graduation Day-11

Investiture Ceremony
4th September, 2020

DMCS, first Virtual Investiture Ceremony was held on 04th September, 2020. It was a delight to see the DMCS parents carry out the sash and badge wearing ceremony, for their wards. The Chief Guest for the Investiture Ceremony was M. Deepa Kitturmath- Research Scholar in Mathematics. Her inspiring words really motivated the children to achieve greater milestones. A beautifully coordinated programme was presented to the audience on digital platform.


Deva Matha Central School - Banaswadi, Bangalore